Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Hair Cut!

I cut my hair! I love it! It has never been this short. There are so many ways that I can style it. So in these pics all I simply did was last night I took a shower and went to bed with it wet. This morning, I combed through it, dampened it, and put a little moose. It took me less then five mins!! I can also flip it out, or curled it under, and I love it! I was ready because I never had the endegy to do my hair and even if i did, it ended up in a pony tail because it was either too hot or Kaleb was ripping it out. I finnaly gave into the "mommy hair cut" but I dont know if I will ever go back! I just might go a little shorter next time! we shall see!


The Calvert Family said...

Hey Tori, This is Alycia Calvert. I saw you on Brandi's blog and thought I would say hi. I can't believe you cut you're hair. It looks so great! Your baby is so cute. He looks like a perfect mix between you and Matt. Come see our blog and say hi. http://aacalvert.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I love your hair.. Very cute!! I saw it on Sunday, but didn't get a chance to come over and say Hi!! Love it. I hope you enjoy it.