Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kaleb has a TOOTH!

The first time a noticed it was when he was eating breakfast on thurs morning. It is about time because he has been teething since about 4 months old. It is the bottom left tooth and the right one is right behind, it will pop through anyday. It is interesting to see everyones response when I tell him he just got his first tooth, some people think it is late and some think it is early. Honestly, I think it is perfect, I am no longer breast feeding and he could sure use the teeth to eat instead of gumming everything. But we are in no rush, these things take time. PS sorry I don't have a picture, I can hardly get in there to see it let alone take a picture. It is just going to have to grow more before any picture can be taken.

1 comment:

Carolyn and Mark said...

How funny. I just posted on my blog that Cameron has a tooth to and we said the exact same things. You'll have to read it but congrats for him. That is so funny how it happened a few days apart and they are only 1 1/2 months apart.