Thursday, December 11, 2008

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times

This is the part about being grown up, you have to be responsible for everything you do.

Heavenly Father really does know what he is doing.

I just read a story on one of my friends blogs that reminded me of how much Heavenly Father really does love us. The shortened version of the story is that we are like silver being refined in the fire and heavenly father is the refiner. To make silver perfect, you have to hold it in the hottest part of the fire and watch it carefully. The only way to know when all the imperfections are out is by seeing your reflection in it. So it is with heavenly Father, he will be by our side, until it is time to pull us out of the fire, then will we see heavenly father in our countenance.
My mind is also turned to Joseph Smith and a lesson that I had in institute, I remember learning that with every great blessing that was given to Joseph Smith, there was also a trial that came with it. For example, when Joseph Smith received the blessing of eternal families, he also received the commandment of taking more than one wife, witch brought lots more persecution from those who did not understand. I can testify, that is how Heavenly Father works, he gives us the greatest blessings along with the greatest trials.
I feel so blessed, with a great husband and father of my son. My son is also a great blessing in my life. I have a great supportive family that will do anything for me, if need be. I am blessed with a home and jobs to provide for out needs. And to whom much is given, much is expected.
I know alot of this does not make sense to most, but to those who understand, thank you for your love and support. There are just so many things up in the air, and things out of my control, that I feel all I can do is be patient and pray to my father in heaven that we will know what to do when the time comes.

Now onto lighter and brighter things. Erica, my boss, is having her daughter tonight! So it will be an exciting next couple of weeks. I am so excited to meet Emily, their new addition to their family, and hope that she has a safe arrival.

Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Sounds like you are having a month quite like mine. Hugs...hope things start to look up soon.