Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Filled with the Christmas Spirit!

I am converted! (I know this post is better late then never) I went shopping in the wee hours of the morning on black Friday. I thought it was a blast. My mom and I make a pretty good tag team. The part that I am the most excited for is the fact that I got most of my Christmas shopping DONE in one morning. Because I actually had presents to put under the tree, that motivated me to put up the Christmas decorations the next day, and before the weekend was over, Most of the presents were wrapped under the tree, AMAZING! (Thanks Carolyn for your help!)I am usually one to drag my feet and get the tree up a few weeks before Christmas just to turn around and take it down again.
But more importantly, with the stress of "WHAT TO GET?" everyone for Christmas GONE, I have been able to sit back and really enjoy this joyful time of year. My Relief Society had a fantastic Christmas enrichment activity on Dec 2 that really touched me. Ever since then I have been joyfully listening the local Christmas song station on the radio. I have been getting excited right along with Kaleb over how beautiful all the Christmas lights are, we even went to the Cactus garden and saw their beautiful lights for family home evening last night! Tiffany and Jackson joined us, it was a blast! with everything ready to go, I really can feel the spirit of giving in the air, and I love it!
Although my life is still just as crazy, I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life! In nine more days (or less) the family I work for is going to invite a little baby girl into this world! I think that is just going to add to the specialness of the season, I am so excited!
Christmas is coming so fast! I am excited because we get to spend Christmas with my family this year. There is something truly special about being together with family, when everyone is there! And this year we will ALL have spouses there to share the event with also. So we have officially doubled from four girls to eight, plus mom and dad :) Wow, what a great time of year!
Marry Christmas to All! And remember to think about Christ, he is the one that gave the ultimate gift! Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Mandi Roth said...

Tori, that was a great post!! I loved it, and I love how stress free you are with holiday stuff. I am glad you can sit back and enjoy it.