Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh . . . How I Love Matt!

I am so grateful for my husband, he has such a sweet heart. So . . . my hairdryer stopped working a little over a week ago which was my backup. (The one that I have had since I was 17 years old, died about a month ago) And because money is tight right now I decided to improvise and use the fan to blow dry my hair. It takes little longer but it still works. And as most people know Matt is crazy and gets up for his day way before the sun rises and works on things for him such as studying and washing the cars. And he usually leaves the house before 5 am. So this morning around 6 I heard him comming back homw and turning off the alarm for our house, which caught my attention. Next thing I know, Matt is standing in the doorway with a box in his hands. It is a brand new, really nice blow dryer. I am so excited, I just about got up and took a shower right then and there just so I could try it out. It was just totally an unexpected surprise. I love him so much, it is the little things like that that he does that means so much to me. He definatly is the love of my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww. that is soo sweet. I love how sweet your husband is. Enjoy those moments.. :)