Friday, July 11, 2008

Standing Up

I am just amazed at how much Kaleb has changed in the last month. This time last month he could barley sit up and tipped over often. It took him five minutes to move ten feet. Within the last couple of weeks not only can he sit completely on his own but he has begun to pull up on EVERYTHING! He even tries to pull up against a wall. And he is fast! Just yesterday, I sat down to change Anna's diaper with him playing with toys next to me, by the time I was done and went to throw the diaper away, I found him by the dogs food bowl with a piece of dog food in his mouth. (yuk!) It was a good 20 feet from where we were around a corner. It doesn't help that he thinks he has skills that he doesn't. He thinks he can walk just like Anna, so when you hold his fingers and walk him around the house, even though you have stopped he will keep walking. He is getting better at feeding himself and is almost loosing interest in the pureed stuff and wants what Matt and I are eating. Between Kaleb and Anna they are really starting to keep me on my toes. Anna can walk independently down a 15 foot hallway and is starting to get an attitude (even though she just turned 1 year yesterday). Luckily most of the time they like to be together in the same room and don't wander too far (yet, fingers crossed) They like to play follow the leader around the house with Anna as the leader, or with Kaleb in the walker Anna with push him all round the house. They are definitely going to be a hand full when Anna gets a new baby sister in December. It will be a fun new exciting change, and I am up to the challenge, there are mom's who have 4 kids all under 5, why can't I take care of 3 kids all under the age of 2? When there's a will there's a way, and I will find the way when the time comes :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is cute, and growing very fast. Good luck in December. :)