Thursday, June 26, 2008

Congrats Eleesha!

On Saturday Eleesha went through the temple for the first time, in preparation for her up coming wedding. It was a fantastic experiance! I felt the spirit so strong! Niether of us could contain the tears in the celetial room. It has been amazing to be at the temple with my family as each member comes through for the first time. We all look forward to the day when Stacy will be there so All of us can go together and be together in the celestial room. Eleesha just has such a sweet inocent spirit! I am so greatful that she made the choices in her life that has taken her to the temple. After we all met at Olive Garden and had a celebration dinner. We love you Eleesha, go to the Temple often and the Lord will bless you beyond your understanding! he has in my life when I have made it a pattern in my life.


The Dell Family said...

Hey, Tori I just found your blog and it's darling. I love the pictures of the haircut. It's crazy how cuts make the kids look so much older. Especially on boys.

Anonymous said...

How sweet to be with your family in the temple. i can't wait to be with my family someday.