Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It been a long time

It has been about six months since my last post and it may be that long until the next one because we do not have the internet at our house, and finding time to even check my email while i am at a place with internet with two children is very hard to do. I LOVE being a stay at home mom, I feel like I finally have time to do what I am here on earth to do and that is being a full time wife and mother ( and house keeper, food cooker etc) I do not stay on top of it all the time, but I feel that I am on top of it way more then I ever have been in the past. chI love the sound of my children laughing together, there is nothing sweeter! We are doing great and love spending time together. We also get to see Yaya and Papous (My parents) at least once a week wich is also great fun and support. (and a way of getting out of the house). matt and I have also set the goal of going to the temple at least twice a month, we have done alright, it is so nice to get that spiritual lift and feeling of Heavenly Fathers love. Matt's mom has gracoiously volumteered to watch the boys while we go. It has made it difficult being Ethan has a hard time taking a bottle. Well I have to run and do my lifes calling :) I am thinking about all of you and hope all is well.


katrina berg said...

So nice to hear about your beautiful family. xoxo to those cute boys! Enjoy your life calling and those laughing boys! miss you guys, luv, katrina

Joy said...

Tori - it's so good to see an update, and I'm glad your family is healthy and happy!

Mandi Roth said...

So glad you posted!!! I hope you guys are doing well. It sounds like your doing great!

The Dell Family said...

Welcome back to the blog world!!!