Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mini Van

One thing that has gotten pushed aside, is the fact that we bought a mini van! That's right, (disclaimer, Matt will not drive it) It has been fabulous. We did it for many reasons, 1) we wanted to buy while we have the money 2) Now is a great time to buy a vahicle 3) With me watching Emily that would put me at needing three car seats in the car which the honda would not fit, therefore leavinging me stuck at work everyday 4) We want to have more children, and they are really nice for lugging stuff around that comes with them 5) it is safer, for the kids, no worrying about one getting hit by a car while i am strapping the other one in 6) it was in our price range, if we are buying a vehicle for more seats why pay extra for it to be an SUV, mini vans are cheeper and just as nice 7) I love the sliding doors, expecially the automatic one, no more worrying about kids slamming doors into other cars. and i think i could go on and on but you get the point, we are excited about our new (to us) Mini Van!


The Dell Family said...

I love your mini van too! I was just puzzled for a little bit knowing you just had the one, but it totally makes since. I love it. it had to come sooner or later. Might as well as enjoy it now :)

Angela said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome.